Why I Started Pahulay

My love for candles started when I was gifted one for my 21st birthday. Since then, I've always included it during when meditating, journaling, and resting.

My slow down time is one of the most important things to me. It's my non-negotiable. I have to set aside time for rest.

As I grew older, it became harder to do that. I was pulled in every direction–jobs, relationships, family, and other commitments. It came to a point where I dreaded waking up just to do it all over again. It felt like I was Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. It was tiring and draining.

It wasn't sustainable for me to always feel tired. I don't think it's sustainable for anyone. Burn out can't be normal.

So I started setting boundaries. When I had a full-time job, I wouldn't work on weekends. I would say no to hang outs when all I want to stay at home (I'm a Taurus lol). When I know my plate is full, I don't take in more. A lot of baby steps. But setting boundaries is no easy task. There are days when it's harder to enforce and that's okay. I think the key is to keep at it. 

I felt so much better when I became firmer with my boundaries. I felt much more rested, I felt more productive and creative.

This whole experience was my inspiration for starting this brand. I wasn't the only one who felt this way because I would talk about this with the people around me. It seems universal, which shouldn't be the case. 

I created Pahulay with the intention to remind you that rest is productive. When you feel rested, you have more energy to do things. It is not a waste of time, it is the best thing you can give to yourself. 

I hope that the content I've been putting out has been helpful with how you view rest. This is something I'm passionate about and I'm so grateful I have this platform to share more about it with you.

The pahulay is just as important as the pagpaningkamot. 

*pagpaningkamot is Cebuano for hard work, effort